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Start the New Year with Pet Dental Care

Start the New Year with Pet Dental Care

We think dental care should be on every pet owner’s New Year’s resolutions list. If regular pet dental care didn’t make your top resolutions for 2022, here are four reasons to convince you otherwise.   #1: Most pets have some form of dental disease, which makes...

How to Celebrate National Cat Lovers Month

How to Celebrate National Cat Lovers Month

An entire month has been devoted to our feline friends! December is National Cat Lovers Month and cats are the center of attention. To celebrate your love of all things feline, try the following five tips.   #1: Whip up a batch of homemade cat treats When you...

Is My Pet at Risk for Diabetes?

Is My Pet at Risk for Diabetes?

Is My Pet at Risk for Diabetes? November is National Pet Diabetes Month, and with an estimated one in 300 dogs and one in 200 cats developing the disease during their lifetime, it’s important for pet owners to recognize the risk factors and signs.  What factors put my...

4 Guidelines for Caring for Your Senior Pet

4 Guidelines for Caring for Your Senior Pet

4 Guidelines for Caring for Your Senior Pet The worst part about pet ownership is that our beloved cats and dogs never live long enough. As their golden years draw near, it’s time to think about how you can best preserve their health and maintain their quality of...

Teaching Your Dog Good Walking Manners

Teaching Your Dog Good Walking Manners

Do you envision a peaceful stroll with your pup once you head out the door for a walk? Or does your dog have other things in mind? If it’s a hassle to get your dog to walk calmly at your side, follow this five-step guide to teach your pup good leash etiquette. Step 1:...

How To Keep Your Pet At A Healthy Weight

How To Keep Your Pet At A Healthy Weight

In honor of National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, we’re showcasing three easy ways to feed your pet to keep them at a healthy weight. Follow these tips to ensure your four-legged companion is more fur than fat. #1: Calculate the number of calories your pet needs each...

6 Tips To Be A Responsible Dog Owner

6 Tips To Be A Responsible Dog Owner

When it comes to owning a dog, there are many things you have to consider. One of the most important things is being a pet owner that will be healthy and well cared for. Here are some tips on how to be a responsible dog owner. #1: Take your dog for regular wellness...

Prepare Your Pet For A Great Vet Visit

Prepare Your Pet For A Great Vet Visit

Your pet can have a great time at the vet, too, and it's easier than you think. Here are five tips to prepare your pet for a stress-free visit and make the experience enjoyable and positive. #1: Handle your pet at home The veterinary examination is frightening for...